Monday, February 28, 2011

The feeling is mutual, I'm sure.

Dear Nashville,

As turned off as I am by autotune, faux hawks, and the "Nashville sheen," I am thoroughly impressed by your lack of djembes.

I will grow to love you one day.

Tepidly Yours,
Jonni Greth

Friday, February 25, 2011

A short conversation between me and my roommate:

Roommate: Dude, the other day I saw cereal in the toilet. How did it get there?

Me: I didn't finish my Crunch Berries, so I flushed them.

Roommate: That is quite possibly the most bizarre thing I've ever heard.

Me: Um, I don't think it's that uncommon. Some people flush their cereal.

Roommate: I have never heard of that in my life. Dude, that could clog the pipes. We've got a garbage disposal. Come on.

Me: Some people were raised without garbage disposals.

Clog the pipes? Not sure he knows, but turds won't clog the pipes, either.

Meatballs, however, will. Don't ask me how I know.